10 Weight Loss Techniques in 1 Month10 Weight Loss Techniques in 1 Month

Lose 6 kilograms, fast weight loss methods!

Who wants to know how to lose weight quickly? Today we have a 1-month weight lose technique to recommend. Follow this and you will lose up to 14 pounds or about 6 kilograms within 1 month. It’s so easy. Let’s go!

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Weight Lose Techniques in 1 Month

Eat a high-protein breakfast

Breakfast is an important meal that our body should never skip. But how can we eat it to help us lose weight? Let’s try to change from carbohydrate foods that we often eat for breakfast, such as bread or cereal, to high-protein foods instead. Because foods with high protein will make us full for a long time, we won’t be hungry and want to snack all the time, which may cause weight gain. Importantly, it can also help us lose weight because foods with high protein will help control our appetite hormones, making us not eat a lot.

Eat vegetables for half of your dinner

For dinner, we should avoid carbohydrate foods such as rice, pasta, noodles or bread because carbohydrates are converted to sugar in the body. If this sugar is not used as energy, it will be stored as fat in the body instead, causing weight gain. In addition, for dinner, we should eat vegetables at least half of the total amount of the meal, especially vegetables that are low in carbohydrates such as mushrooms or tomatoes.

Eat one serving of good fat at every meal

Many people may wonder if eating fat will make you gain more weight than before? But in fact, the method of losing weight by reducing carbohydrates and turning to consume food that contains good fats instead can help you lose weight quickly. Or many people may have heard of this method of losing weight that it is called ketogenic weight loss. We can find good fats in fatty fish, nuts or seeds such as walnuts, flax seeds, chia seeds, etc. We must add good fats to every meal.

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Eat three full meals

We should eat 3 meals a day. It is normal, right? But what will help reduce weight is to avoid eating snacks during the day. The principle of eating 3 meals that is very effective is to leave a gap of 5 hours between meals. For example, if you eat breakfast at 9:00 a.m., you should eat lunch at 2:00 p.m. and dinner at 7:00 p.m. You have to control the time so that you do not eat dinner too late. Eating 3 main meals and leaving time for the next meal without eating snacks between meals like this will give our body time to use up all the stored fat.

Choose healthy snacks

Wanting to lose weight doesn’t always mean we have to stop eating snacks. Try not to be too stressed because it may make weight loss ineffective. For those who want to eat snacks or eat snacks during the day, it is recommended to choose to eat healthy food rather than high-sugar snacks because that will make you gain weight. Recommended snacks include high-protein foods, protein shakes, or carbohydrate foods such as oatmeal and bananas.

Exercise 5 times a week

In addition to controlling your diet, you also need to exercise to make weight loss more effective. The exercises that can help you lose weight quickly are HIIT and weight training. They must be done together because both of these exercises will help build muscle and increase the body’s metabolic rate. In other words, the more muscles we have, the more calories our body can burn, even when we are at rest.

Exercise in the morning

The recommended time to exercise to lose weight is in the morning because exercising in the morning is a perfect way to start burning calories. It also makes us burn more calories during the day. So for anyone who wants to exercise to lose weight effectively, it is recommended to exercise in the morning.

Drink water before each meal

Before each meal, we should drink 16 ounces (or about 473 ml) of water every time because drinking water before meals like this can help you lose weight. From research, it was found that those who drank water before meals were able to lose more weight than those who did not drink it. Therefore, this is another way that will allow us to lose weight quickly and effectively.

Reduce sugar

Sugar is a factor that causes weight gain quickly. So if you want to lose weight effectively, you should reduce sugar. Because if sugar is not used as energy, the body will change sugar into fat instead to store for future use. This causes our body to accumulate fat, which leads to weight gain. And even though the food we eat is healthy food like cereal bars or fruit juices, we still have to be careful about the sugar in these healthy foods. Because many restaurants often add sugar to make the taste more delicious.

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Reduce alcohol consumption

Alcoholic beverages are a factor that can cause weight gain. Therefore, while you are losing weight, it is recommended that you avoid them for a while. Tell your friends to stop partying for a while! Because alcoholic beverages are considered high-sugar beverages, which can make us fat. Moreover, drinking alcohol increases our appetite, making us eat even more!

How can you effectively lose weight?

If you are hungry all the time, you must avoid them immediately!

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